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Best Yoga Mat Review

Consumer's Advocate in US review the most valuable mats for consumers. The research and information are impressively detail. Hope this will help you to find your best mat.

Vipassana Meditation

Vipassana is a way of self-transformation through self-observation. It focuses on the deep interconnection between mind and body, which can be experienced directly by disciplined attention to the physical sensations that form the life of the body.


Its a highly recommended practice. Vipassana has changed my life in such deep and positive ways that I can't help but keep offering others a peek into it.

MARIA KONNIKOVA - NewYorker Psychology Articles

This is a page of articles written by a psychologist cum journalist. I find her writing extremely engaging and enlightening in understanding our deep human mind map.


Enjoy her articles!

Becoming Minimalist - Joshua Becker

Another Joshua who is also a minimalist. His writing is simple and yet enriching. He even writes with minimal concept. A true good practisioner.

The Minimalist - Joshua and Ryan

This pair of good friends found their REAL LIFE after abadoning their successful corporate life. They are  young and cool, attracting a good crowd of followers. Their stories are dramatic and inspiring.

XUICE : Social Crowd Funding Platform

XUICE is a free crowdfunding platform to connect backers to worthy social causes.

It is managed and designed by XTREME Media as part of their CSR programme.

If you have a social cause that is looking for backers, do connect us for a review of your project.

Join XUICE today and make a difference.

A series of Positive Psychology Lecture in Harvard University conducted by Tal Ben Shahar.

A series of Positive Psychology Lecture in Harvard University conducted by Tal Ben Shahar.  This Lecture was the most popular course attended during its time. A very powerful understanding about ourselves. High recommended.

The Book of Life

It’s called The Book of Life because it’s about the most substantial things in your life: your relationships, your income, your career, your anxieties.

New Life Foundation

New Life is a recovery community for people who are suffering because of depression, anxiety, relationship problems, stress, burnout, or addiction problems or who want to work on self-development.

Greater Good Science Center

​Science-based resources for a compassionate and resilient society , based at UC Berkeley. 
Visit us at

Sustainable Human

Sustainable Human ( creates videos funded by members who wish to create new stories about the world and humanity.

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