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Good Book : The Female Brain


I have been reading a couple of really good books recently, it will be ashamed if these good information are not shared further than it should.

I'm not a particularly good writer. Pardon me for all the grammatical mistakes I will make in an attempt to upkeep this blog.

I chanced into this book while watching a youtube video about "How Your Brain Can Turn Anxiety into Calmness" The MD who is giving the talk highly recommended this book. Out of curiosity, i picked it up. Viola! it is indeed one of the most fascinating book I have read.

This book help us to understand the very question that perplexed men and often women themselves : "Why are women so emotional and unpredictable?"

Well... it is all caused by the chemicals inside the brain!

Both men and women have the same brain structures, however, the distribution of chemicals or the level of activities in different parts of our brain differs.

This diagram gives you a quick overall look into the few areas that are rather active in women's brain.

There is also a list of hormones that is affecting our emotions and thus behaviour.

All these information really helps to clarify why we act in this way.

The author also describe about how the male brain reacts differently in certain circumstances.

The book even feed us a chart on DIFFERENT PHASES OF WOMEN"S LIFE. You are able to have a quick overview of all the challenges a woman face in her life time.

This book have its criticism. Some of the facts are challenged by other medical experts. As a yoga practitioner, I believe in natural healing as much as possible, therefore, I am skeptical about the author's strong stance in taking medication to manage hormones changes.

However, all that aside, this is a really good book for women who are experiencing tremendous changes to their body and health, or a parent trying to understand her young girl or a difficult teenage daughter, or a husband trying to understand their mid life crisis wife. Some of the information could possibly ease the emotional clouds that make us worry too much.

Last but not lest, there are many poses in Yoga that helps to regulate hormones within the body.

Head Stand helps to massage our pituitary gland (a pea-size gland that sits at the base of the skull), "The pituitary gland is called the ‘master gland’ as the hormones it produces control so many different processes in the body"

And a list of poses here that help our nervous system to be more calm and thus manageable.

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